Tuesday, November 29, 2011

isaiah 40:11

I think the books call it strong-willed.
Here at the Martin house, we prefer spirited.

Our little man is demanding.  Loud.  Easily bored.
He laughs really hard, smiles really big.  And cries with, um, passion.

God has given him a spirit of independence and determination.  Strength.
He will need these things in his life!  There will be challenges for this little one and God equips! 

But holy cow this mama can get frustrated.  (Oh gosh.  Is that where he gets it!?)

Some days, I feel like he spends more time crying than not.
Some days, all I have to do is leave the room and he has a total meltdown.
Some days, I find myself wondering if he will ever be a happy little guy.
Some days, I don't feel like singing the itsy bitsy spider one more time.
Some days, I wonder what I have done wrong. 

And then, I am given this.  Straight from the pages of my devotional this morning.  A message so loud and clear, even this skeptic can't deny it.

He tends to his flock like a shepherd:
He gathers the lambs in his arms
and carries them close to his heart;
he gently leads those that have young.  

It's already found its way to a big fat notecard where I will see it all the time. 

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Even the blessing of a spirited little man. 

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