Friday, May 31, 2013

annie's birth story

Wednesday, May 1.

I met a friend at the splash pad, met my mom for lunch, and had a relaxing afternoon at home.  I cooked dinner and when Adam got home we played outside in the pool with Luke.  I had no signs of labor.  I felt great.

11 pm:  Adam and I were watching The Help.  It was just about over.  I was laying on the couch.  I had a really tight braxton-hicks contraction and felt a gush.  My shorts were wet.  I got up to go to the bathroom thinking that maybe I'd wet my pants.  Nope.  Too much fluid.  Lots of fluid.  I let the movie finish and told Adam that my water broke!

11:15 pm:  More fluid.  Lots of fluid.  But no contractions.  I didn't want to go to the hospital before contractions started, but I knew I'd have to go eventually.  My bag was just about packed, but I finished packing and Adam started packing a bag, too.  We were giddy, giggling, excited.  I realized that I might not sleep for a very long time and started to feel weary.

11:30 pm:  Contractions started.  My contractions don't joke around.  Once they start, they are for real.  They were 2-4 minutes apart and painful, though I could still talk through them.  Back pain started and never stopped.  There was no relief from back pain, even between contractions.  I straightened my hair and changed my clothes and Adam ran around like a chicken packing and cleaning.  He even remembered to pack Luke's lunch because the next day was a school day and he knew we might not be home for much longer.

Midnight:  I text my babysitter, giving her a head's up.  I wanted to labor at home for a bit and was determined to do so.  Contractions still 2-4 minutes apart and painful, but not getting any stronger.

Thursday,  May 2, 12:30 am:  Contractions got stronger.  Told my babysitter to come quick.  She's awesome, so she did.  She came in about 15 minutes.

1:00 am:  I kissed Luke goodbye and got in the car.  I cried because I knew that the next time I saw him, things would be so different.

1:15 am:  Arrived at the hospital.  Pulled into the circle drive so Adam could drop me off.  A car pulled in right behind me and a girl that I go to church with got out!  Her water broke, too! We couldn't believe that we'd run into each other under these circumstances!  Contractions getting stronger, difficult to talk and walk during them.  We checked in at the nurse's station.  They put me in a room and began the process.  Back pain was severe.

1:30 am:  Nurse says I'm 3 cm dilated and 100% effaced.  This disappoints me greatly because my contractions hurt really, really, really bad but I didn't want to get an epidural at 3 cm.  I told her I would labor on my own for a bit.  I stood beside the bed and rocked.  I was trying to turn the baby because I knew from the horrible back pain that she was anterior.  Contractions were almost unbearable.

2:30 am:  I "give in" and tell the nurse I'm ready for an epidural.  She checks me again and tells me I'm 3-4 cm dilated and calls the anesthesiologist.

3:00 am:  Anesthesiologist begins the process.  Adam has to leave the room.  He starts to text our family telling them that I was in labor.  He thought we had lots of time because I was only 3 cm.  I am crying through contractions and complaining a LOT.  This pain is no joke.  It hurts really, really bad.  There is a needle in my back and the doc keeps telling me to stay "in position."  I can't.  He seems irritated with me and that hurt my feelings.  I feel her coming.  I scream really loud, she's coming out of me!  I'm not kidding.  I felt her come out of me.  It was like someone had ripped me open.  About ten people run into the room and start gowning and gloving.  Anesthesia pulled the needle out of my back.  The nurse lays me down on my side and opens my legs just a little bit.  She was right there.  She was coming out.  The nurses held my legs together and made me stay on my side because they knew if I moved, I would deliver.  My doc was on his way.  Adam text my mom to Hurry! I screamed a lot.  I begged the nurse to just deliver her, she wouldn't do it.  They kept telling me not to push.  I couldn't help it.  I couldn't help it.  It hurt so bad.

3:15 am:  My mom comes in.  She made it!  I was in too much pain to even really realize she was there.

3:20 am:  Doc comes in.  My feet go up on stirrups.  He says, Jennifer give a gentle push, the baby is here.  My body was already pushing.  She came out.  I felt everything.  Oh. My. Gosh.  The pain.  The cord was around her neck.  He cleared the cord and let her come out the rest of the way.  Adam cut the cord and she let out a huge screaming cry.  I was hurting really really bad but seeing her was the most amazing thing.  They put her straight on my chest and finished things up down there.

4:00 am:  I held my baby girl for over an hour, skin to skin.  Adam and I cried and laughed and just stared at her and talked about how fast everything went and how we couldn't believe she was here.  She was here!

And that's Annie's birth story.


  1. I just posted my birth story today too...we had several similar parts :) Congratulations on baby Annie!! :)

  2. Congratulations Jen and Adam, she's precious! Good grief, what a whirlwind birth!
